Activities and Events
- The Student Academy of Audiology made videos representing what audiologists do and how they benefit our general public.
- Idaho State University WINNER!
- Lamar University
- NOVA Southeastern University
- Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center
- San Diego State University
- University of Akron and Kent State University
- University of Florida
In addition to the social media postings, some of our fellows, SAA chapters, board members, and audiologists in the field also worked locally to help the cause:
- University of Akron
- The College of Health Sciences and Human Services sponsored Health Awareness Day at the UA/Ohio football game.
- A variety of health screenings were provided by students and faculty who passed out over 400 pairs of ear plugs and spoke with hundreds of individuals attending the game regarding hearing protection.
- The College of Health Sciences and Human Services sponsored Health Awareness Day at the UA/Ohio football game.
- Arizona School of Health Sciences
- Created several slide shows that rotated throughout the jumbo screens all over the school about "protect your hearing" and "audiology awareness."
- Created life bracelets that read "Audiology Awareness" on one side and "We're all Ears!" on the other. Sold for $2.00 each.
- Offered free hearing screening to anyone interested.
- Posted flyers in the cafeteria and around the buildings about NAAM and NPYHM.
- Set up a booth to sell the bracelets as well as give away free promotional items and other valuable resources for hearing/balance/awareness/protection.
- Sponsored five students who traveled to Mexico for four days to do hearing testing, fit hearing aids, etc. They were accompanied by faculty from 3 universities, ENTs, and pediatricians.
- Bettie Borton, AuD
- Wrote a "Sound Advice" column in the Montgomery Independent newspaper.
- Wrote an article for Boom Magazine in the October issue.
- The magazine is available online as well as a published hard copy.
- Attended the meeting for Hearing Loss Support Group on October 13, 2011, and presented a slide presentation.
- Placed an advertisement in the Montgomery Independent newspaper for "What is an Audiologist?”
- Brian Fligor, ScD
- Appeared on "Audiology Talk with Lolly Weigel" on a local cable access channel.
- This is a new program and the host is an audiologist with a journalism background. It is aired to local PBS stations.
- Participated in the "Tinnitus prevention and treatment in musicians" segment put together by Harvard’s hospital's public relations group.
- Brian and a couple of his tinnitus patients were interviewed and the segment is hoping to be heard on the radio and published.
- Coordinated all of the hospital’s internal and external web sites to show the NAAM/NPYHM link to show for a week.
- Appeared on "Audiology Talk with Lolly Weigel" on a local cable access channel.
- Kimberly Barry, AuD
- Published two articles to the VA newspaper.
- Posted two NPYHM and NAAM banners on target vision, it shows in the Georgia cities of Augusta, Athens, and Aiken.
- Provided hearing screenings to the homeless community on 10/28.
- Handed out free ear plugs to all who desire.
- Participated in the health fair at the VA hospital and distributed information about audiology, hearing aids, hearing protection, etc.
- Deb Carlson, PhD, University of Texas-Medical Branch (UTMB)
- Provided fact sheets on hearing loss and noise-induced hearing loss to patients in the audiology ciinics.
- Provided connect the dot worksheets, crossword puzzles, and coloring sheets for UTMB Audiology, ENT and Pediatric clinics.
- Exhibited at a NASA/JSC employee health fair.
- Handed out ear protection throughout the month to patients.
- Published the articles for AAM and NPYH month on our UTMB Web site.
- Published articles for AAM and NPYH month in the Galveston County Newspaper.
- Prepared bulletin boards with information about noise exposure and noise levels in various several clinic areas.
Did you do something to celebrate? Let us know. Send us your activity or event.