Audiology Today

Audiology Today

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Inside the
2015 Issue



AT is the American Academy of Audiology's award-winning magazine of, by, and for audiologists. Each issue of this full-color, bimonthly magazine provides comprehensive reporting on topics relevant to audiology, including clinical activities and hearing research, current events, news items, professional issues, individual-institutional-organizational announcements, and other areas within the scope of practice of audiology.

AT welcomes the submission of feature articles, opinion pieces, special interest articles, and letters to the editor. Common article topics include, but are not limited to, coding and reimbursement, practice and office management, education, the future of the profession, best practices, state issues, licensure/accreditation, scope of practice, e-healthcare, and much more. To learn more about submitting an article or idea, review the editorial calendar and the editorial guidelines.

2013 APEX Award WinnerWinner of Two 2009 SNAP Excel Awards